Mailmodo revenue hit $15.1M in 2024

Mailmodo generates revenue from customers


United States

About Company RevenueTeamFounder/CEOCEO Net Worth

How Mailmodo hit $15.1M revenue with a 100 person team in 2023.

Mailmodo is a comprehensive email marketing solution that enables users to create and send app-like interactive emails to enhance email conversions. Its unique feature is that all interactions occur within the email itself, eliminating the need for user redirections and thereby creating a smoother email experience with higher conversion rates. Mailmodo offers a range of features including email automation, user journey creation, auto-trigger scheduling, and API integration within the email content. It provides a coding-free, drag-and-drop email editor, as well as a rich collection of AMP Email templates catering to all popular use cases. Mailmodo can be integrated with several marketing tools and CRMs, including Hubspot, WebHooks, and Calendly. With a mission to simplify email marketing and maximize conversions for businesses, Mailmodo is dedicated to helping its growing clientele achieve three times more email conversions and providing a unique email experience for users.






2023 Revenue







Mailmodo Revenue

In 2023, Mailmodo revenue run rate hit $15.1M in revenue.

  • 2023

    Mailmodo hit $15.1M in revenue in 2023

  • 2020

    Mailmodo launched in 2020 with $0 revenue

Mailmodo Funding History

No funding has been reported for Mailmodo yet.


Mailmodo has 100 total employees.

Total team size 100

Founder / CEO

Aquibur Rahman


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Mailmodo Executives

Name Position Working Email Personal Email
Aquibur Rahman CEO [email protected] -

Mailmodo Employees

Name Position Working Email Personal Email
Aquibur Rahman CEO [email protected] -

Frequently Asked Questions about Mailmodo

  • When was Mailmodo founded?

    Mailmodo was founded in 2020.

  • How much revenue does Mailmodo generate?

    Mailmodo generates $15.1M in revenue.

  • Who is the CEO of Mailmodo

    The CEO of Mailmodo is Aquibur Rahman.

  • How much funding does Mailmodo have?

    Mailmodo raised $0.

  • How many employees does Mailmodo have?

    Mailmodo has 100 employees.

  • Where is Mailmodo headquarters?

    Mailmodo is headquartered at United States

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